The Short-term Effects of Alcohol

December 28, 2019 by HakimHeal

Drinking alcohol affects people differently. Depending on factors such as your ability to limit your drinking and your tolerance to alcohol, the overall effect it can have on your physical and mental health may be different to another person. Alcohol affects vision, coordination, judgment, ability to multitask, reaction time, sleeping and decision-making skills.

The Short-term effects of alcohol

The most apparent immediate effects of alcohol are on the brain. The first effects can include feelings of relaxation and loss of inhibitions. However, the more alcohol a person drinks, the more their feelings and behaviour change. When a person drinks too much alcohol, they may experience effects such as drowsiness, loss of balance and coordination, slurred speech, nausea and vomiting. More serious effects such as losing consciousness or breathing difficulty can be fatal.
There are several forms of alcohol abuse in which the short-term effects of alcohol will be intensified. Types of alcohol abuse include binge drinking, underage drinking and heavy alcohol use. People who should avoid alcohol altogether are those who are on medications, planning to drive, have mental illness or are pregnant.

The Short-term effects of alcohol

Short-term effects
With every drink, the risk of accidents and/or injury increase for the person drinking and others around them. Alcohol increases the likelihood of:
• a person being involved in anti-social behaviour
• conflict, that can lead to fights and violence
• injury due to falls, burns, car crashes etc
• unprotected or unwanted sexual encounters
• problems that occur with friends and family
A high dose of alcohol produces breathing difficulties, uncontrolled urination/defecation, alcohol poisoning, coma and possible death. Alcohol poisoning is a body’s reaction to over consumption of alcohol; it causes the body to completely shut down and may be fatal. According to the centers for disease control and prevention, alcohol poisoning kills six people every day in the united states.
The severity of the short-term effects of alcohol typically depends on how much a person drinks, but other factors such as hydration and food consumption also play a role.
Choosing to overcome alcoholism is a huge decision in a person’s life. When you quit drinking, it’s important to do so safely under the care of professionally trained treatment specialists. It’s time to put an end to alcohol abuse, and live a strong and healthy life.

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